The Untold History.

Many jewelry companies will happy to tell you about the fabulous and famous diamonds found in the past or what royal wore which piece but will consciously neglect to mention some very important moments in diamond history. Unfortunately, many of these moments in history are unpleasant. However, we believe it is necessary to be as honest as possible and acknowledge the past in order to make a better future.

Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

A Dubious Moral Beginning

Even from the very beginning, the diamond industry was started under dubious moral conditions…

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Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

Dawn of the Diamond Market

With the creation of industrial mines, came the creation of the diamond trading markets. Although it’s changed quite a bit, these original markets have influenced how the industry works to this very day…

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Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

Diamonds Are Forever…

To recover from the financial and global devastation of the Great Depression and WW2, the diamond industry had to reinvent its image and relevance to stay alive.

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Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

Blood Diamonds

During the multiple conflicts in 20th-century Africa, diamonds were used as a currency to buy weapons and military supplies. Civilians were forced at gunpoint to mine for diamonds; a situation that eventually coined the infamous term, Blood Diamonds.

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Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

The Manufacturing Shift

In the old days, the diamond industry was centered and controlled within Europe. However, with the advent of globalism and its economic consequences, much of the industry has been dispersed worldwide, giving rise to new industry giants.

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Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

Diamonds and the Internet

The internet has revolutionized luxury shopping. While this trend started with fashion, shopping for diamonds on the internet has become a possibility.

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Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

The New Diamond Customer

Corporate sustainability and ethics carry a lot of weight with the younger population, especially with Gen Z. Especially with the war in Ukraine, this has become especially relevant for the diamond industry.

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Christian Vuceta Christian Vuceta

About Lab Diamonds…

This post talks all about lab diamonds, what they are, and what the possible market implications could be.

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Interested to Learn more?

If you have a diamond in mind, or questions about the process, feel free to reach out