The New Diamond Customer

Compared to the Boomer and Gen X generations, Millenials and especially Gen Z are very concerned about a company’s policies on sustainability and ethics. The literature has shown that not only would Gen Z’ers choose a more ethical and sustainable brand over a competitor, but they would possibly pay more. The current blowback against fast-fashion companies has only further confirmed this trend. With diamonds, there is a parallel trend. Russia is a primary producer of diamonds. With the war in Ukraine and the subsequent import embargoes by various governments, including the United States, the need for transparent diamond sourcing has become extremely relevant. Compounded with people’s existing moral suspicions about diamond origins, the demand for a clear diamond provenance, even for cut diamonds, is becoming a necessity to operate within the industry. As standard, the Vuceta Corporation offers proof of provenance with every diamond so that the consumer will never have to doubt where their diamonds have come from.


Diamonds and the Internet


About Lab Diamonds…