About Lab Diamonds…

Starting in the US in the 1950’s, scientists were able to create synthetic diamonds from graphite (which, like diamonds, is also made of carbon). However, the diamonds they produced were very small and not of gem quality. In addition, the capital required to make these lab diamonds were astronomical, and in no way profitable. However, within the past 10 years, synthetic (AKA lab grown) diamonds have been comparable with natural diamonds in in almost every aspect. The cost of manufacturing lab diamonds has gone way down as well. As a result, lab diamonds have now become much cheaper than natural.

What exactly are lab diamonds? Unlike diamond simulants like Moissanite or Cuban Zirconia, lab diamonds are in fact, diamonds. Lab diamonds and natural diamonds are the same carbon crystal; with the primary difference being the origin of their creation. Natural diamonds take millions of years to form in the earth under extreme high pressure and temperature. Many lab diamonds are also created with high temperatures and pressure, but within a machine within a laboratory. Thus, lab diamonds are not “fake”; they are an actual diamond, indistinguishable from natural stones to the human eye. Instead of “fake” vs “real” a more accurate comparison would be synthetic vs organic. The crystal is the same; one is man-made and one is organic, from the earth. Having said that, there is equipment that can test whether a diamond is natural or lab made. Natural diamonds can be created by numerous ways under numerous conditions. It is the specific and exact way lab diamonds are artificially created that give them away when put through this high-tech equipment.

The implication of lab diamonds in the market is uncertain. Some speculated that the introduction of lab diamonds would spell the end of natural diamonds. However, this does not seem to be the case. What is certain, is that the lab diamond market will continue to grow and occupy its own niche within the diamond market as a whole. There will always be individuals who refuse to purchase or wear synthetic stones, for varying reasons. Maybe they value exclusivity and value, or prefer to own something that are natural, out of the ground.

There is nothing inherently wrong with buying or wearing lab diamonds. It is a great way to save costs while simultaneously getting a bigger bang for your buck so-to-speak. Even though you will never have to worry that your lab diamond is a blood diamond, it doesn’t contribute to helping exploited workers either. Vuceta Diamonds will only ever deal with natural diamonds. Millions of people in mining communities rely upon the natural diamond industry to survive, taking this away completely, or significantly decreasing the market would spell catastrophe for these people, as many have no other option. More importantly, is does not give the opportunity for the natural diamond market to improve for the better. The entire ethos and goal of Vuceta Diamonds is to give back to these communities and change the industry for the good. We do this by offering full transparency in addition to giving back. We hope that you too would like to actively participate in improving this industry, one diamond at a time.


The New Diamond Customer